
How a construction business is using the 4Qs

How a construction business is using the 4Qs


How a construction business 🎙 is using the 4Qs

Paul Smart from the Joinery Haus discusses how the 4Qs is impacting his custom kitchen business. Paul talks about how the 4Qs framework is helping his businesses 💪  overcome friction and reach 👌 operational excellence.

I met Paul when I was a guest speaking at TEC 76. TEC (short for The Executive Connection), is a peer advisory board. There are chapters in all major cities across Australia. 


4Qs + TEC

What are the 4Qs

Who we serve

Rolling out 4Qs to staff

Using trello to collect intel

The 4Qs (short for Four Quadrants) is a decision-making framework.

The power of the 💪4Qs rests in how it organizes people and processes into one or more quadrants, such that everyone in the business has a clear picture of how their role and decisions touch a customer.

4Qs digital transformation framework

It helped us understand what we could be good at: serving builders

– Paul Smart


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Paul is a licenced builder who has spent the past 20 years working in a diverse range of roles across the construction industry in the Newcastle and Huner Regions of NSW. The last 10 of these years Paul has spent building his own businesses. Paul is a proud family man and passionate businessman who is inspired to continue to build great and enduring companies that inspire staff and clients equally.


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Anthony has two decades of experience consulting to marketplace and software-as-service startups. Brands include, Google, SAP, and IBM. He specializes in designing sales systems and is the author of the book run_frictionless: how to free a founder from a sales role. He has consulted to startups from the United Kingdom, Korea, Singapore, Philippines, and Australia. Anthony has been a founder of two startups. When he’s not working, Anthony enjoys racing sports bikes and sailing boats.

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